Below you will find links to download and review the official THE pow{h}er METHOD® workbooks. We have broken the workbooks down into chapters so you can download only the sections you need to review. We will also post updates to the workbook on this page and notify you whenever there is a change so you will always have the latest version available to you at all times.
As a reminder, the workbooks are RELEVE’ ONE FITNESS STUDIOS, LLC’s proprietary information; they contains trade secrets, and shall not be duplicated, in whole or in part, except by written agreement from RELEVE’ ONE FITNESS STUDIOS, LLC. All instructors are required to maintain the absolute confidentiality of the workbooks and have promised not to disclose or divulge the contents to unauthorized person(s). Instructors are responsible for protecting contents of the workbook, even from uncertified employees. Authorized persons include premiere studio license holders, authorized teachers, and properly trained staff in THE pow{h}er METHOD.
THE pow{h}er METHOD® Workbooks:
Please note: you must have the appropriate permissions to view or download each workbook. If you are a certified instructor or enrolled in an upcoming certification and do not have access to the workbook please contact Jeremy at for access.